Extremely relaxing. A rare experience of being completely disconnected from day-to-day life at home, to focus completely on the Self. I was able to give yoga 100% attention. The spa treatments were utterly indulgent and wonderful.
— Meredith
This is a great opportunity to create space in your life in a beautiful environment.
— Thomas
A wonderful opportunity to deepen my yoga practice with a truly skilled teacher who is responsive to individual needs. The beautifully serene environment in the jungle with all the comfort provided made it a delightful experience. I wish it could last for longer!
— Cathie
Vivienne's professionalism was exceptional and I have learned so much, connected with friends and learn to feel refreshed and encouraged.
— Nicole
The exceptional retreat focused on deepening my Iyengar practice. Amazing people and teachers. Superb facilities. The staff were so lovely, responsive and happy.
— Michaella
An opportunity to improve my practice and to still my mind. Vivienne is the best Iyengar teacher, she does not let anything slip by.
— Sue
Just what I needed - to be challenged by a skillful teacher and relaxed by professional and attentive therapists. The surroundings are beautiful and the service is genuinely helpful but nothing is overdone.
— Bronwyn
For me a one off opportunity to have the time to reflect on this current stage of my life and with the deepened awarness gained, supported by the intense work of iyengar yoga, take specific & elevated choices going forward.
— Jo
Good work on my basis, benefit for all following yoga lessons. I enjoyed it very much, thank you!
— Caroline