Ayurvedic Treatments  |  Traditional Body Treatments  |  Beauty Treatments

Ayurvedic Treatments

Authentic Ayurvedic treatments made from natural, locally-sourced ingredients are performed by experienced therapists as part of your healing journey. These age-old, time-tested treatments rejuvenate the body and nurture the soul.

For Panchakarma guests, the physicians will prescribe treatments based on imbalances or to treat specific conditions. For Retreat guests, you can select from any of the treatments as an additional option.

Abhyanga Full-body Massage

One of the famous therapies of Ayurveda is Abhyanga, a therapy in which a therapist gives a full-body massage using large amounts of warm, pre-medicated herbal oil and rhythmic hand movements. The herbs are selected based on the particular condition of the patient.

This procedure is done as part of Panchakarma to prepare the body for detoxification. It promotes circulation and lymphatic drainage, relaxes the body while removing toxins, and balances the doshas or bioenergies.

At Oneworld Retreats, you can receive this special revitalizing procedure throughout your Panchakarma healing retreat.

Shiro Abhyanga

Head Massage for Stress Relief – 45 to 60 minutes

Warm medicinal herbal oil is used to massage the head, neck, and shoulders, with the oil selection influenced by your condition. Benefits include lowering stress levels, nourishing and promoting hair growth, bringing strength and clarity to the senses, improving blood circulation in the head, and relieving headaches, migraines, and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.

Pada Abhyanga

Foot Massage

This soothing, therapeutic oil massage targets the marma or energy points on the feet, legs, and knees to release stress or pain. Each foot has several marmas or nerve endings.

Pada Abhyanga helps release negative energy, reviving and harmonizing the nervous system, and giving you a more grounded sense of self. It is also beneficial for the sense organs such as the eyes and ears, and treats headaches and menstruation irregularities.


Shirodhara or Shiro Dhara is an Ayurvedic treatment in which medicated oil is gently poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. The name comes from the Sanskrit words “Shiro” (head) and “Dhara” flow).

Shirodhara is effective in treating nervous system disorders such as a restless mind, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, headache, paralysis, and degenerative Vata diseases. It can also prevent dandruff, premature greying, and skin disorders.

Sarvanga Dhara

A stream of warm, medicated oil or decoction is poured all over the body.

Sarvanga Dhara is good for treating memory loss, lack of vitality, and neurological disorders. It calms the nervous system, reduces stress, heals and rejuvenates the skin, and helps with joint pain.

Netra Dhara

Specific medicated oils or decoction are poured over the eyes. 

Netra Dhara eliminates fatigue and pain in the eyes, relieves muscular tension, helps improve eyesight, reduces wrinkles, and brings luster to the eyes.

Patra Pinda Sweda

The poultices are made from freshly-gathered leaves of plants growing in our herbal gardens that are analgesics and anti-inflammatory medicines. These poultices apply heat to sore joints or body areas, such as the fingers or the back.

Patra Pinda Sweda effectively addresses a variety of conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, musculoskeletal discomfort, and myalgia.

Jambeera Pinda Sweda

Jambeera Pinda Sweda uses therapeutic herbs and lemon, which have anti-oxidant and purifying properties, to massage the body.

This treatment reduces deep tissue tension and strengthens the neurological system.

Valooka Sweda

Sand poultice

A hot poultice comprised of medicinal plants and clean, dry sand is applied to the body.

Valooka Sweda aids in reducing stiffness and chronic pain.

Choorna Pinda Sweda

Powder poultice

In Choorna Pinda Sweda, poultices made from medicinal powders are applied to the body. It helps to liquefy fat and makes the body feel lighter.

Janu Basti

Using a chickpea paste dough roll, the Ayurvedic therapist applies warm, medicinal oil to the knee. The oil is allowed to permeate the joint and draw out toxins. Moringa leaves are then used to coat the herbal paste, which is bound to the knee and left to dry for several hours.

Shiro Basti

In this treatment, medicated oil is kept on the head using a cap to enhance the neurons and relax the body and mind. It is effective in addressing issues of anxiety, insomnia, neurological and psychological disorders, stress, and skin disorders.

Greeva Vasty

Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain

Greeva Vasthy treatment is performed by retaining lukewarm, medicated oil over the affected area of the cervical spine in a ring made of dough. The duration and the oils that are used depend on the existing condition. 

This treatment is helpful for tension headaches, cervical spondylosis, shoulder and upper back pain, osteoporosis, strains, and sprains. It can also improve the flexibility of joints and improves circulation.


Practiced either as a preparatory component to Panchakarma or as an independent intervention, Swedana is relaxing and detoxifying. It helps to liquefy and mobilize the Doshas.

Ushma Sweda

Ushma Sweda is a full-body therapy that uses medicated steam to produce sweating or perspiration, which helps to remove toxins from deep inside the body and reduce tension. It’s one of Panchakarma’s detoxification techniques.  

The body is covered with fresh, green leaves and particular herbs. After that, you spend 10 to 15 minutes lying down in a steam bath. The herbs impart their qualities to your body while extracting toxins through the steam bath. A soothing procedure!

This treatment enhances blood circulation, removes toxins, promotes joint mobility, lowers blood pressure, treats obesity, improves skin, clears the respiratory system, and energizes the body.

Nadi Sweda

This treatment is done by applying medicinal steam to particular regions to reduce stiffness, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain in a particular body part or joint.


Taladharanam, also called Talapothichil or Shiro lepa, is a cooling remedy that is effective in treating neck and head-related aches and pains. 

The procedure begins with the application of a medicinal herbal paste to the head, which is then covered with a banana leaf cap.

Talapotchil has a strong balancing and calming effect, increases neuronal activity, and helps with migraines, insomnia, and stress. It also reduces body heat, enhances memory, prevents premature hair aging, and calms the body and mind.


A significant pre-Panchakarma preparation step is this internal oleation (purification). The effective mobilization of doshas from the periphery is the foundation of the entire cleansing process. Swedana (oleation) and Snehana (oleation) assist in this (fomentation).


Nasal Therapy for Sinusitis and Headaches 

Nasyam is the practice of administering medication through the nose. It is one of the five Panchakarma detoxification procedures and begins with a facial oil massage and/or the application of steam to the face, forehead, head, ears, and neck to loosen the adherent doshas. After this, warm medicinal oil is injected into each nostril and a light massage is applied to the palms, shoulders, neck, and soles of the feet. The patient may also inhale medicinal smoke through their nose.

This therapy treats conditions above the chest, such as sinusitis, facial palsy, neck pain, pain radiating to the upper limbs, and frozen shoulder. It can also help with premature graying, nasal congestion, syncope, neurological issues, dental health issues, and migraines.


The smoke of medicinal herbs covered in ghee or oil is inhaled through the mouth and nostrils during the Ayurvedic Dhoomapana treatment to treat a variety of respiratory illnesses.

Karna Purana 

Ayurvedic Ear Treatment

Ayurvedic Karna Purana is a procedure of instilling medicated oils into the ears followed by a gentle massage for a couple of minutes.

This treatment reduces itching/dryness/ringing in the ears (Tinnitus), enhances the sense of hearing, relieves swelling in the ears and earache, and is also used in cases of deafness.


Introducing medicated smoke into the ears to help earaches, itchy ears, and tinnitus.


During this Ayurvedic treatment, medicated oil is applied to the affected area, followed by a herbal paste. Herbal leaves are used to cover the paste, which in turn is wrapped in a cotton bandage and left, before being washed off with lukewarm water.

This treatment is used for pain relief, osteoarthritis, swelling, and bursitis. It is also beneficial for heel pain.


During the Ayurvedic Udwartanam treatment, the whole body is gently massaged with medicated powders prepared with various herbs.

This treatment stimulates the energy flow in the body, detoxifies and nourishes the body tissues, activates the skin’s natural metabolism, and helps reduce cellulite. It also cleanses and refines the skin structure and gives the skin a soft, silky texture and a lustrous glow.


This treatment uses herbal paste as a scrub over the whole body. Lepanam rejuvenates skin and helps with skin disorders, improves blood circulation, relieves pain, is purifying and anti-inflammatory, and is useful in treating various ailments.


Internal and external oleation and fomentation therapies for a few days in a row. Once the toxins are liquefied and gathered in the upper cavities of the body, the patient is given emetic medicine and decoction.

Vamana helps to eliminate toxins from the tissues and is especially recommended for Kapha-dominated conditions.


Elimination of toxins with the help of internal and external oleation and fomentation therapies and herbal laxatives to facilitate the evacuation of the bowels.

This treatment cleanses the body of toxins and is recommended for Pitta-dominated conditions.


Ayurveda’s unique contribution to the medical world. The herbal decoctions, oils, ghee, or milk administered give highly positive effects, especially for Vata predominant conditions.

Basti has enormous benefits, especially in complicated and chronic diseases.


Pichu is a palliative treatment using medicated oil, paste, and decoction. This treatment is relaxing and calming, it helps treat many physical and mental ailments.

Traditional Body Treatments

All treatments at Oneworld Retreats are designed to give you a holistic and soulful experience. Please take a look at all the treatments we offer below.

Relaxing Massage

full body – 75 minutes 

Oneworld Retreats’ relaxing massage is based on ayurvedic principles and uses warm oil and professional hands to balance the chakras, the key energy points in your body.

In harmony with Ayurveda and stone therapy, this massage is designed for deep relaxation and stress removal.

Price: IDR 450,000++

Mandi Lulur – Floral Bath

full body – 110 minutes

Known as a famous treatment for Javanese royal families since the 17th century, mandi lulur detoxifies, softens and rejuvenates your skin.

  • relaxing massage
  • scrub: rice powder, turmeric and sandal wood
  • moisturizer: fresh yogurt
  • bath of fresh flowers and essential oil

Price: IDR 800,000++

Mandi Susu – Milk Bath

full body – 110 minutes

Milk is used to brighten, soften and moisturise the skin. Its benefits are known since the age of Cleopatra.

  • relaxing massage
  • scrub: milk based exfoliant
  • moisturizer: milk
  • bath of fresh flowers with essential oil

Price: IDR 800,000++

Mandi Rempah – Spice Bath

full body – 110 minutes  

A combination of several traditional ingredients that function to detoxify your skin and promote blood circulation.

  • relaxing massage
  • scrub: spice scrub
  • bath of spices with herbs, clove and cinnamon

Price: IDR 800,000++

Mandi Kopi – Coffee Bath

full body – 110 minutes 

Coffee scrub helps reduce cellulite and works as a natural deodorizer. Coffee is the best way to refresh your skin.

  • relaxing massage
  • scrub: coffee exfoliant
  • moisturizer: fresh papaya
  • bath of fresh flowers with essential oil

Price: IDR 800,000++

Mandi Teh Hijau – Green Tea Bath

full body – 110 minutes 

Anti-oxidants contained in green tea protect your skin from the free radicals and work as anti-aging and anti-acne agents.

  • relaxing massage
  • scrub: green tea based exfoliant
  • moisturizer: fresh yogurt
  • bath of fresh flowers, essential oil

Price: IDR 800,000++

Ayurvedic Facial 

face and neck – 60 minutes

Using only herbal products, our therapists gently cleanse, steam and exfoliate your skin; manual extraction follows if needed. Throughout the treatment, the therapist incorporates a soothing and uplifting face, neck and shoulder massage. While relaxing under the mask, you will enjoy an arm or lower leg massage. After toner, a moisturizer is applied to maintain moisture levels. Our facials encourage the restoration of youthful vitality and natural radiance of your skin. We offer facials for sensitive and normal skin.

Papaya and tomatoes

For oily or sensitive skin types

A soothing papaya and tomatoes can do wonders for your skin. The mixture is applied to your face and neck to clear dirt and impurities, helping to restore elasticity and natural radiance.

Lemon and honey

For dry, normal, or combination skin types

Lemon and honey are natural ingredients rich in antioxidant that helps the removal of dead skin cells and protect the skin from free radicals. An ideal facial to soothe and hydrate your skin.

Price: IDR 500,000++


45 minutes

In our manicure and pedicure treatments, your cuticles are trimmed after soaking in a warm flower bath, and your nails clipped and/or filed to shape.

A hand and lower arm massage brings relaxation to the manicure, while a foot and lower leg massage enhances the pedicure.

When polish is chosen, base, two coats of color and a top coat give a durable, elegant finish.

Price: IDR 300,000++

Hand Spa Treatment

60 minutes

An Asian hand ritual to revitalize and beautify your hands. A lemon and honey cleanser is gently applied, followed by a turmeric and aloe vera scrub. The hand is wrapped and steamed, and finished with a clay mask. The result is remarkable!

Price: IDR 350,000++

Hair Crème Bath

60 minutes

A vital treat for your hair and scalp that also lifts the spirit!

Your scalp is massaged with a rich avocado cream to stimulate circulation and release tension. Steaming follows to hydrate and preserve suppleness. Your therapist slowly massages your shoulders and upper arms before finally washing, applying hair tonic and drying.

This treatment will leave your hair radiant.

Price: IDR 350,000++

Hibiscus Hair Shampoo

30 minutes

Before the arrival of shampoo, Indonesians used this special recipe to keep their hair healthy. We invite you to enjoy this time-honoured tradition. Our treatment includes a scalp, neck and shoulder massage.

Price: IDR 250,000++

Hair Wash

20 minutes

Price: IDR 150,000++

Prices are subject to a 10% service charge and a 11% government tax
